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Boeing Sonic Cruiser

22.9k Dann810  6.9 years ago

If the Boeing Sonic Cruiser was exist, then: Link to the Image

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    5,841 FastDan

    Question:How do you make your planes fly so well?

    6.8 years ago
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    8,395 GJW14

    @EternalDarkness Not necessarily. This was an actual Boeing concept. As far as CoL, that really depends a lot on the weight of engines and what the airfoil would be.

    I'd just say that since the design was never fully completed you can add or delete control surfaces as you like, or even change the design to suit your needs, as most aircraft turn out quite different than the original concept. Case and point - the 7E7/787.

    +2 6.9 years ago
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    Flaps always point down. They are not pitch control surfaces. Their job is to increase lift by adding chamber to the wing profile at the cost of drag. The plane you got is not realistically designed. Probably some kind of artists idea of what a supersonic airliner is supposed to look like. CoL would be too far back. Those wings are copied from a conventional airliner, so surfaces you have marked would be flaps.

    +3 6.9 years ago
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    4,109 JetFly

    Im sure dat front ones are pitch, back ones are elevons

    +1 6.9 years ago