Possibly hundreds of new users flooding in to the community. What do you think will happen?
What do you think will happen to the community when Steam is released?
16.2k LordofLego
9.5 years ago
Possibly hundreds of new users flooding in to the community. What do you think will happen?
Plus that means if those people don't do as well, the people who do fair will get better, right?
@XVIdarkLithium well I do agree but if these people here currently don't leave that's a little upside right
I don't know for certain if it will, but I hope that the Steam release doesn't permanently maim SimplePlanes.
@NovaTopaz Youre probably right in that it will eventually settle back down.
You know, Steam has never killed any game I know of. In fact, usually Steam helps games get noticed, and really simplifies certain processes(EG modding). And youtubers, well, you'll have to deal with them. There is a bunch of games where if a youtuber is there, a BUNCH of people will come with and try to do the stuff said here. But will it kill the community? No. In fact, it will bring a lot of attention to simple planes, and more people will start to notice the game. SP might turn into a messy place for 1 or 2 months, but it'll sort itself out. And the benefits greatly outweigh the cons in the long run.
@Sirstupid SepticEye didn't play it, but a bunch of his fans made planes in tribute to him because they wanted him to play.
@AeroEngineering We'll be busy, that's for sure.
We should stay and try to preserve the community by flagging anyrhing inapropriate and telling the devs about spammers
Remember TheOldColonel? Like him times 10000
It'll build hype and deflate rapidly. It's like a dying star. Becomes HUGE AND HOT and cools down into a tiny ball of carbon.
Oh haha okay.
I've heard of that guy. Was he here on simpleplanes? @LordofLego
@Sirstupid Yeah.
@Sirstupid Yep. Or close the community, which would be sad. By the way, you don't have to tag me in my own post.
The sad part is that lots of us spent time here and got attached to our planes. @LordofLego
@Sirstupid I'll probably stay for a while to whine about the awful new people. I'm gonna want it fixed. Remember those Jack SepticEye abominations a while ago? Take those, times a thousand, minus the green.
And then the steam users will screw stuff up into a new game entirely. Then Jundroo will have to shut down development of it.@LordofLego
@Sirstupid And some people might think "hot and sweaty" sounds like a good time, just like "SimplePlanes on Steam", but in reality, it really isn't.
All of us will soon leave.@LordofLego
Yep. Like going on a desert trip with no extra water. Hot and sweaty at first, suicide later.@LordofLego
Buy the game any more @Sirstupid
@Sirstupid Yep. And no one will want to stay, and soon no one will want to butThe game any more, and bam. SimplePlanes kills itself.
We're dead. Remember the good people who were here before steam because hell is coming. The community is doomed. YouTube planes, inappropriate planes spam etc will run rampant. It's going to wipe out the good community. The true current community will be dissolved by what's coming. Then the steam people will literally ruin the game itself with horrible suggestions.
Oh okay.
@Minecrafta15 No http://store.steampowered.com