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(RP) Bohemian Airlines EXPO #1

302 NewBohemia  6.9 years ago

We are happy to announce that Bohemian Airlines have managed to receive permission to organize an exposition focused at aviation.
The exposition will soon be taking place at the test airfield of SLS Systems, inc. who are best known for owning an airport while being a company that manufactures air vents.
There will be numerous aircraft on display as well as many flight performances.
The confirmed airplanes are:
Airbus A380 of Bohemian Airlines
Ilyushin Il-96 of Bohemian Airlines
Dassault Mercure of Bohemian Airlines
Antonov An-50 of Antonov Design Bureau
Weird plane shaped like George Bush of US Air Force
BA-2X Vulture of Bohemian Aerospace
Pelican II of SLS Systems, Inc.
...and many others not yet confirmed.

The team who organizes the exposition is currently open for any more participants from both the commercial and military sector (wink)