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For those who gave their life in war.

6,266 FlexNoTape  6.8 years ago

As leader of United Roleplay Authority I announce that we as equal people in a team, work together to get zero deaths at war and battle in SP Roleplays. This can be achieved by different strategies.

I say this as for the the people who fought for us in war in not only simpleplanes, but WW1 and 2, Korea war, Vietnam war, and all the other wars that have happened and is currently happening.
Tomorrow is Anzac (Australian-New-Zealand-Army-Corps) day. It marks 103 years since they landed at Anzac Cove, Gallipoli in 25 April 1915.

Here are some links below.

WW1 timeline
Some videos with people
what is Anzac Day?
Be sure to watch all of these videos it gives you a great understanding of how things happend when the Anzac’s boats landed.

I beg you to please read all this and watch all the videos.

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    6,266 FlexNoTape

    ok. @Ethological

    6.8 years ago
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    Its east of melbourne

    6.8 years ago
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    6,266 FlexNoTape

    Where is that. is that closer to Melbourne or on other side? @Ethological

    6.8 years ago
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    @Caveman999 I came from there, Mount Dandenong ranges,145.3409464,3a,23y,110.96h,93.66t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1scTPAcYL6EcRRO7v-pBHYjQ!2e0!7i13312!8i6656?hl=en
    My old house

    6.8 years ago
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    @Caveman999 Victoria?

    6.8 years ago
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    6,266 FlexNoTape

    SouthWest region @Ethological

    6.8 years ago
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    @Caveman999 That would be a great idea. What district are you in?

    6.8 years ago
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    6,266 FlexNoTape

    Yes thats amazing. I am also a scout and also marched in a parade.
    On the way home from the march I met a scout from argentina. Scouts is very different between the different countries. I'm hoping to go to the jamboree at tailem bend south Australia, next year.
    we should make the SP Scout group. @Ethological

    6.8 years ago
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    Thank you. Tomorrow i am marching in an ANZAC day parade in Buderim, QLD (Google it.) I am part of scouts so i march with the rest of my group down the main road. This event is big for me as i had a grandfather which was the comander for A ENTIRE ship. (Think its called a captain). It was a mine sweeper and was on duty in the Bass Straight (they actually found a mine) and in the Pacific. He was discharged after the war. I am proud to commemerate the people who have fallen in the line of duty for Australia and New Zealand. Thank you again. @Caveman999

    6.8 years ago