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Steam will ruin us

895 chair  9.5 years ago

Could I persuade fellow users to take all the names of famous gaming youtubers ao that their cancer isn't extended to this game base? Thanks.

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    8,799 Meawk

    @Puredeath neither do I

    9.5 years ago
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    8,799 Meawk

    HOW will steam ruin SP! Pls tell me at least 10 good reasons why and I will believe you! I know a lot of people with access to steam but not able to download from external sites (including me) so I am REALLY hyped for the game to be on steam so I can finally have it on PC. Steam will also widen the community, which means more planes, more upvotes, and more innovation. Steam will be a HUGE step forward for SP and the SP community. I dare u to prove me wrong

    9.5 years ago
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    1,515 elsanto9000

    @WaterAirLand good idea

    9.5 years ago
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    895 chair

    Well now you're a moderator lol so make this become a reality because you have the power to now. Don't let steam ruin this greatness @Puredeath

    9.5 years ago
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    6,986 Puredeath

    @chair I didn't say you were going to quit, and it is only irritating if people don't do their jobs, (meaning mods and community herders) and it isn't right now, and don't expect it to be that way at all.

    9.5 years ago
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    895 chair

    I'm not saying I'm gonna quit I'm just saying it could be irritating @Puredeath

    9.5 years ago
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    6,986 Puredeath

    Aswell the people that are going to stay in the community and actually have any real impact on it will be the people who like the game and want to see it grow

    9.5 years ago
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    6,986 Puredeath

    Aswell things are changing in the community, in the way it is managed and will continue to adapt as the community grows larger. Trying to boycott the game or do other similar actions, will cause more damage to the community than a few players (that don't understand how things work yet) being negative and other wise rude (those people are already here, but it is under control)

    9.5 years ago
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    6,986 Puredeath

    @chair steam will allow for this game to reach a larger audience, and with it new takes on things, there will be more people that you may perceive as annoying or detrimental to the community, but there will be far more that play a larger, more positive role on the community.

    9.5 years ago
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    895 chair

    care to explain? @Puredeath

    9.5 years ago
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    6,986 Puredeath

    I don't agree with this opinion at all

    9.5 years ago
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    895 chair

    yeah i see how this could really make some improvement for the devs, (income flow) but i also feel that they should give original players more power somehow (such as more reporting power, voting power, etc.) @Sirstupid

    9.5 years ago
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    9,187 LT556

    The game will become huge and hot like a dying star, then collapse into a useless ball of carbon (I've said that way to much today)

    9.5 years ago
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    895 chair

    Thank you so much @Sirstupid

    9.5 years ago
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    9,187 LT556

    We are all dead. They are overwhelming and then the game will change due to their excessive complaining etc. we should boycott all YouTuber planes. I agree

    9.5 years ago