As you heard I am in the makings of one and thanks to QingyuZhou and his Boeing 777/737 cockpit set I have in the makings a detailed fully functional cockpit Boeing 777-300ER. Now it may not be to scale but I am still in the early stages and am looking forward to a great aircraft release. Thanks for QingyuZhou for the cockpit and if you are interested in the aircraft, just tell me in the comments and we can collaborate or work together and work together! Again I look forward, thanks!
Teaser: Remember this is the partially done cockpit in early stage!
@Bearclaw189 Do you like it?
@QingyuZhou I put an image out.
@QingyuZhou :D
Oh i didn't realize it's you
welcome back!
@QingyuZhou :D
@QingyuZhou Thanks for allowing us to use the cockpit model, will give credit to you!