I run Windows 32 bit and is there any way to get a Unity build that would work for modding?
please say there is, I'm really eager to get into modding
I run Windows 32 bit and is there any way to get a Unity build that would work for modding?
please say there is, I'm really eager to get into modding
@DerekCZ XD not happening
@HellFireKoder O_O nvm i have 500 errors and counting now...
@HellFireKoder i call bullcrap, I'm building along to the tutorial on 5.6.5 without any problems
@HellFireKoder you gotta be kidding me... really?
@Jetpackturtle you need 5.3.6, not 5.6.5 ;)
@Chancey21 thx
I got 5.6.5 Editor off the Archive