Please be patient, this version work at 95% due the light rendering in android version the landing gear light may not work for all android version but other light work well!
Here Preview: Image 1 Image 2 Image3
Download here: Download v0.1 And Have Fun!
На моём Андроиде 14
У меня вообще не работает пишет ошибка
Sadly he never uploaded a new aircraft or anything
@RedstoneAeroAviation ok
@Smasher ey.. uhh i have bad news.. you may now ask gold people to fix this or even hellfirekoder.. or you can try to take a look at COM COL and COT of Hellfirekoder's Dirtbug Deluxe
@RedstoneAeroAviation ok
@Smasher ill try to improve this ASAP
@RedstoneAeroAviation it puts you off and Start's flipping
@RedstoneAeroAviation and don't try VTOL
@RedstoneAeroAviation it uses 4vtol thrusters
@Smasher it needs better propulsion engine.
@RedstoneAeroAviation care full you need an entire runway
@Smasher yeah sure why not?
@RedstoneAeroAviation well I'm really bad at making planes I would like you to test and upgrade one of my plane's its called the flying car
@Smasher not as skilled as those platinum users
@RedstoneAeroAviation are you good at building planes ?
It simply doesn't work for me.
@isod89 compatible with note 3 samsung?
@WhenGoatsFly That would be impossible.
do you have it for IOS?
@simpleplanesmaster @aeroengineering scroll down until you find a mods section. tap on it and press enable. if you can't see a mod's section on the SP home screen, then it's not working.
Also, where did you learn to make unity mods for simpleplanes? I am interested to know.
@kaaraabinerFixtures how did you enable the mod?
@mattmck um, I would check downloads and and see if you can find the mod there. Than move it to the mods folder. If it's its not there, try redownlaoding it
@mattmck and the mod folder is empty
@AeroEngineering how do I enable the mod