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Ideas for

49 uzair1903  6.8 years ago

For 1.8 they could be bombers bombing whole areas like bandit airport and you can command ai planes and the empty islands like the islands near bandit airport could have been airports so you can bomb multiple airports and explore more airports ,unfortunately, it wouldn’t be on sharp land. Also add some carrier fleets and autopilots for mobile and mire advanced which can be capable of landing any plane and can land still with parachutes and airbrakes and last one is to add planes on carriers to defend themselves rather than non interactive please add all these features for 1.8

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    35.6k Delphinos

    Okay, nice! Hmm, or in simple word, for 1.8, need more options and settings for those AI ;-)

    6.8 years ago
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    @Delphinos it is done

    6.8 years ago
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    35.6k Delphinos

    Is there anything you want to say?

    6.8 years ago