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Guess who went to Vandenburg Air Force Base?

1,787 ballisticbullets  6.9 years ago

I went to VAFB yesterday to go to Space Launch Complex 3 to look at the Atlas V Rocket, which was about to be launched. Atlas V's mission here. (Read it it's pretty cool.)

Then I went to Space Launch Complex 6 (after getting a little lost and wandering around some government building that should not have civilians), and observed the Delta IV Heavy being constructed. Awesome sight.

When asked what it's payload was, answers ranged form "I don't know" to "It will be a National Reconnaissance Office satellite." further research said the NRO satellite.

I was in this building

Now, today, @ 2:00 in the morning, I left my house, drove there, almost got ran over by tour buses, and arrived at 3:00, about T-30 min to launch. Also yummy complimentary breakfast is yummy.

Then The Atlas V launched. And you did not miss that much. I expected to not be able to see well, but I could not see at all because of the fog. BUT, boy, did I feel it!

rumble rumble

Got back home around 4:15, fell asleep in my clothes. Also I got a cool pen. (it wasn't 3 dollars, by the way, I don't know why it says that.)

Anyway, fun trip, wandered about government secured property, Saw a reused ICBM shot at mars, ate some breakfast at 3:00, Bought merch.

I was invited by my neighbor, who is a rocket scientist @ vandenberg.

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    Yeah. No5 sure if this is a bug or not but it I set the controls in FO3 to the defaults and now it’s basically unplayable. @F104Deathtrap

    +1 6.9 years ago
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    @InternationalAircraftCompany Some of them were flooded. I'd say that's a considerable bug for a B+B

    Worst Fallout bug I ever had was actually from Obsidian. They included a gun that killed you whenever you used it, but it didn't kill you right away, it waited for you to go outside or fast travel. In other words, you could create a whole pile of savegames before you realized you were just waiting to die and basically had to restart from the beginning.

    My favorite Bethesda bug was the inside-out bug from Fallout 3. Objects would turn inside-out, the polygon sides would extend infinitely, creating something that looks a lot like this that took up the entire sky and most of the land even when it was miles away.

    6.9 years ago
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    So your neighbor is a literal rocket scientist

    6.9 years ago
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    you: ayy look at my b&n
    bethesda: wot r u dewin
    you: makn kul fallout b&b
    bethesda: not enough bugs
    needs more
    you: like what?
    bethesda: (places down plant that’s half in a wall) this
    you: why
    bethesda: i t j u s t w o r k s

    6.9 years ago
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    @Planefun I wan thinking of Titan, my bad

    6.9 years ago
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    @ballisticbullets I've read a few of the accident reports for those things. I am shocked its still in working condition.

    They were selling a couple of the old silos. I wanted to buy one and turn it into a Fallout themed underground bed+breakfast, but I didn't have good enough credit for a 1.2 million dollar loan.

    6.9 years ago
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    @F104Deathtrap Yeah. Made out of an old ICBM. crazy.

    6.9 years ago
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    I had no idea Atlas rockets still existed outside of museums! Those things were dangerous and not particularly sturdy.

    6.9 years ago