One of my cars has a problem with turning.It keeps turning in segments when it goes fast.If anyone could give me advice on how to fix this I'd be very grateful. The car.
@F104Deathtrap It is?Well I used the jets before the weight and it kept turning in segments.Could it have to do with the position of the wheels or their friction settings?
@FastDan weight isnt your problem, center of mass is. Try to keep all the heavy stuff as low as possible. Also, you can increase traction by using wings the push the vehicle downward, some people even use jet engines to push their cars into the ground.
@Jetpackturtle Thanks again!Yeah I noticed he hit 10K.
@JangoTheMango gratz on 10K :D
@FastDan There's a fine balance between sliding and jumping. Try 100%-130% traction on back.
@JangoTheMango Thanks!
@Jetpackturtle Thanks it worked!Yeah I am.Now I have to figure out how to make it stop sliding.
@FastDan no problem, also are you using 4WD
@Jetpackturtle I'll try that too.Thanks.
lower rear wheels traction
@Delphinos Thanks,I'll try those.
Dear champ, we may suggest you to :
- check each wheel, which engine they connect
- check each engine HP,
- check its CoM,
@F104Deathtrap It is?Well I used the jets before the weight and it kept turning in segments.Could it have to do with the position of the wheels or their friction settings?
@FastDan Weight is BAD for turning.
@F104Deathtrap Thanks!Wings sound cool.
Edit:I tried adding tons of weight and using a jet to push downwards but it still turns just like before.
@FastDan weight isnt your problem, center of mass is. Try to keep all the heavy stuff as low as possible. Also, you can increase traction by using wings the push the vehicle downward, some people even use jet engines to push their cars into the ground.
@RailfanEthan That's what I thought.I'll XML the weight of the wheels.
Edit:It didn't work.
its lifting a wheel off the ground