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Tips for dogfighting with different scenarios.

583 Bobjoezonehill  6.8 years ago

Bored of 1v1? Using missle lock to get multiple planes to target you at once kinda frusterating?
Well, i have an idea.

Spawn 2 planes in aggressive mode. WITHOUT UNPAUSING (that is important)
The first plane (A) will target the second plane (B). B will target you.
So what?
Use this to see if the AI can escort you. Spawn yourself in a civilian-type plane (or a bomber), do the above, and RUN! (Missiles not recommended.) Note, if B is defeated, A will attack you, so de-spawn him quickly. You can also use this to have a 3-way dogfight by spawning yourself in a fighter too.

You can also make a escort mission for you.

Spawn A in aggressive mode. Spawn B in the plane you want to escort, in default mode. Now race to take A out before he downs B. Bonus: after defeating A, spawn a third aggressive plane, and he will also go after B. Spawning D in will have him go after you. I think it alternates, but i haven’t tested this fully.

Spawning 3 planes in aggressive mode will result in all 3 of them going after eachother in sequence, ignoring you until 1 or 2 of them are downed.