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Problems with aircraft turning...

135 anonymoususer976  6.7 years ago

While I have mastered the art of building Schnellbombers (Fast Bombers) using Prop engines, I cannot seem to create an aircraft that is able to have a fast enough turning speed to compete in a WWII dogfight. Although I mainly counter this with extremely heavy gun armaments, I would like to create an actual fighter. I will post some of my existing aircraft, and maybe you could help me build a WWII fighter.

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    @Razor3278 Thanks for the help, I just built an amazing fighter. Wing loading was the issue.

    6.7 years ago
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    9,483 Razor3278

    You can try to lower the wing loading of the plane by increasing its wing area (bigger wings). Moving the plane's center of mass backwards can help too, but make sure not to move it too far backwards.
    Tag me if you post a fighter, I'll try to help you!

    6.7 years ago