Good question, the Mi-26 heli was designed to replace earlier Mi-6 and Mi-12 heavy lift helis, and act as a heavy-lift heli for military and civil use, having twiceeeee the cabin space and payload of the Mi-6, then it became the world's largest and fastest production helicopter... People then made a meme which it can just literally lift anything, anything, yup XD
A mi 62 in SP @Stellarlabs
@Dexa to the video or a MI-62?
Can you guys send me a link to a Mi-26? I want to meme.... @Stellarlabs @Awsomur @Delphinos @CaesiciusPlanes
Its actually pretty old, but due to this being a plane website its been picking up in popularity. Its as old as 2013 I believe.
Jk, I’m actually weak as an ant pushing a tricycle.
My biceps, lifts anything + Mi-26.
Good question, the Mi-26 heli was designed to replace earlier Mi-6 and Mi-12 heavy lift helis, and act as a heavy-lift heli for military and civil use, having twiceeeee the cabin space and payload of the Mi-6, then it became the world's largest and fastest production helicopter... People then made a meme which it can just literally lift anything, anything, yup XD