Plz read the stuff underneath for what I’m talking about. Don’t just look at the picture.
Seriously though. Why add stuff into the game and have it so that it’s impossible to do unless you access the game files? It’s just really weird. We don’t really care if there’s proper UI and stuff for the game. Like, that’s kinda difficult to do. You could just add an option that’s like “other properties” where we can just type stuff in, like Overload but in SP fonts and looks and stuff.
Ok XD @IguasOs
Ok, i tried to ask him, but he didn't answer yet, thank you for your help man :)
He did it for me. @IguasOs
@jamesPLANESii Oh, did you ask to him ?
You’ll have to ask @WNP78. XD @IguasOs
Hey man, i saw that u used dragscale on your latest plane, how did you access it ? i'm on PC and i can't see this value on the xml of my aircrafts, do i have to write it myself ? thanks a lot, keep buiding awesome things ! <3
overlord xD
Which will largely move to SR2.
But it’s not like simple planes is going anywhere at all it has to huge of a community @Awsomur
Yeah it is, with SR2 replacing it.
I was very surprised to see the replay function gone...
And I don't see how we're able to edit drag either
I definitely do not think it’s fading@Awsomur
Wheres the original post???
@iLikeipads ikr
That is the same case with Google keep updating and improving their OS, adding new APIs from version to next version... All available and supported APIs is there by default, then it is the manufacture to decide which API they want to throw away... Windows and Android and Linux accept that new XML lines, but for iOS, they was like NO WAY DUDE, XD
Ye @Awsomur
Even better question is why update now when SimplePlanes is fading into the background and SR2 is becoming all hyped up?
Erm... I don’t think you understand what I meant. Plz read this again. @RailfanEthan
@jamesPLANESii thats what they did
No add the XML attributes into the game on all platforms. @RailfanEthan
You can edit the amount of drag parts have via XML modding. @Caveman999
What do all the drag things mean?
because if they add .xml values just to pc and someone uploads something then we can't use it