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I've got 2 questions.....

16.4k ThePrototype  6.7 years ago

1. Do swept or delta wings actually help with speed in SP? I've done tests and can't find any evidence that it does

2. how hard is it to make a custom gyroscope? Because I want to make one.....

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    35.6k Delphinos

    Well, to be exact, wing part in SP only know the physics above and below side of the wing. SP do not know the physics on the other side, front, and rear side of the wings... So, wing types does not affect the speed, but it do affect the plane's stability in high speed

    6.7 years ago
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    No I'm pretty sure it doesn't help with speed

    6.7 years ago
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    It probably helps a bit with wind resistance if you make fuselage wings. It also probably helps with flexible wings.

    The IRL reason for swept wings is to keep the wings out of the shockwave caused by the nose at trans-sonic speed.

    It also moves the center of lift back (useful for rear-engined aircraft), and I think it reduces wing resistance on very large wings.

    6.7 years ago
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    1. I also have to test this out. But if the wings have fuselage pieces it would have an effect
    2. You can create a Reaction Control Wheel or Torque wheel. This is Basically what the gyroscope does. But the ingame gyro has the ability of realignment to the horizontal axis
      2.1. It actually has been created by BaconAircrafts labeled as a Gyroscopic sphere. Some people created an improved version like RadarJamJar’s. I also relied heavily on this concept and have at least 2 on my VTOL aircrafts before the Ingame Gyroscopes came around.
      It is actually easy. Take a heavy disk, put them on a fast spinning infinite rotator, put that apparatus on a hinge rotator, mirror, invert one hinge rotator, and repeat on the other axis.
    6.7 years ago