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[Not Recruiting] Moderator recruitment for Discord server

233 TheRepublicofSimpleLandia  6.6 years ago

So last time we made a SimpleLandian Discoord server someone spammed it so badly that I had to be deleted, so we made a new one! We just got some more mods and then we posted it but some jerks decided to spam it a whole bunch so we need more mods to monitor it 24/7! We need some trustworthy mods to take care of the server so no one will spam it anymore.... so yah just comment down there and I’ll look you over and then I’ll give you the position of your record is not bad. And once we get enough mods than no one will be able to spam it! (Note: you must be a citizen of The Republic of Simple Landia, if you are not than please sign up here.) Join Discord server here!

example of stupidity <—link

If you are approved and you get the mod role than please follow these rules for monitoring the server:


1 Strike - Warning
2 Strike - Warning
3 Strike - Kick
4 Strike - Warning + Kick
5 Strike - Warning + Kick
6 Strike - Ban