I just lost almost half my 74 progress because of a simple mistake... on the verge of just moving on to another plane
What's lost: all the gear doors, part of the cockpit (yoke, flap and spoiler levers, part of the throttle column)
That was heavy stuff, this will delay it another 2-3weeks
As I suggested the game needs autoversioning (incremental backup) w/o need to manually save
u N lis t e d s Av e s Liv e s
And that is why you upload a bunch of unlisteds.
Same thing happens to me: Hmm, I’m getting kinda tired of working on plane X , so let’s build plane Y.
4 hours later
Hmm, I like this, but I wanna take a little break from this
searches for plane X
Finds out I didn’t save it to begin with or I only saved it the last like 5 I worked on it
good luck for the restart my friend. let the sky be your friend.
RIP next time upload more unlist posts while building would prevent this kinda problem
ripperoni pepperoni
I make a new save every time I add anything. Usually it takes me about 40 saves to get to the end. Most of the time I start overwriting after I get to 29. The cleanup afterwards is a pain, but it beats the alternative.
I feel your pain, and I think it's safe to say that anyone who's taken the time to make a good build has been where you are now.
@Tully2001 I've never really done that too much
Well, it shouldn't be too hard making everything again
@Jaheim23232323 no please no
Say eef