So I was trying to airdrop a “cargo pill” at Bandit airport, but when I dropped it I noticed the pill was following me. One of the parachutes was pointed directly towards my rear cargo door.
I turned, and it followed me still. Putting the propeller pitch to full, I watched as the pill gained altitude.
I settled on a beach and deactivated the parachute action group. The pointing parachute immediately jettisoned off through my helicopter and proceeded to exit the stratosphere and commence a trajectory to the Smoon.
Basically, I have made a rope. Could be useful for making little stalking drones once someone figured out how the heck it happened.
I will post the exact aircraft upon request.
Here it is!
@CaesiciusPlanes @chancy @Gravity @GritAerospaceSolutionsLTD
Post it!!
Post it
Hmmm.... Interesting