I was looking through the "replicas" tag, as one does, and counted seven planes that weren't even loosely based on a real plane. I'd also really like to see the replicas tag be for really good planes and vehicles, unlike some of them in there, and yes, some of mine under that tag, which I will gladly remove if it means we can have actual replicas only and not you-tried-to-make-it-a-replica replicas. But my main point of posting was to have someone police the replicas. I can live with bad replicas mixed in with the good. I cannot live with fictional airplanes mixed in with the real ones under the replica tag.
@Puredeath Okay, that works. I hadn't thought of that.
@LordofLego i would say report it if you see it and tell us (in the comment of the report) that it has a tag that wrong
@RocketLL Okay. Thank you!
@LordofLego We are actively moderating them.
@RocketLL You're welcome. I didn't know if you moderated the tags or if they didn't matter enough for anyone to moderate them.
We are trying our best currently. Thank you for your opinions.