All those who belong to at least one of the above categories are requested to contact me,PriyanshuRoy.I have established my own vehicle manufacturing company,and I need a few people to be my friends.
Calling all Indians,Asians,New Players,Bronies,Science lovers,Teenagers and Transformers fans.
960 PriyanshuRoy
6.8 years ago
Right, if you need my help with a project that you want to be ridiculous, tell me, im good at those things. @PriyanshuRoy
@DerpyCookie17 You're welcome.Also,your purpose was to come here,as you read the title, probably.
I have come here as a new player, a teenager and a science lover, what is my purpose on this page?
It's amazing to see that no MLP fans or Bronies have shown up.
@Homersdonut Thank you very much.
@PriyanshuRoy update again lol I now can upload the improvements, I also added 14 more rockets, 2 more guns, infinite fuel, and reduced the weight by almost another 1000 pounds
@PriyanshuRoy ok I got an MK2 done. There are 6 more guns, 21 more rockets, 4 new interceptor missiles, 567 million gallons of fuel, and it weighs 7000 pounds lighter
@Homersdonut It's known by the name of PP-1 Alpha Mk1
@PriyanshuRoy boi i might be able to help, what do you need and where is the original aircraft?
@PriyanshuRoy already have one
@Stellarlabs If you can make a flamethrower,then do it.I need one to deal with haters.
I am also available, I am a teenager and a... science lover? where in the world do people get these community names?
need flammenwerfer?
And yes,if somebody likes something,it isn't necessary that he/she is a fan of it.
@StarKnight697 I will heed your advice.
@Maxwell1 Well,I have a Power Armor set ,a Shishkebab and a pip boy for dealing with your flamethrower
@GeneralOliverVonBismarck I have cruiser nukes,😏
Feel free to improve my creations,except the Tabla Drums and the Auto Rickshaws
@Awsomur Well said, speaker of Optimus' lines!🤓
I kindly request all haters not to write anything else.
@GeneralOliverVonBismarck I have made a nuke,if you want to use it,then do it,just no fighting in the forums,this is simpleplanes,not a warzone
@Kaos no, all who want to be friends with me are welcome
"Science lovers"
I'm a 40 year old Caucasian male, that hates science, movies in general, and horses. I have a fear of horses. I'm offended. (Ok not really. I'm a 13 year old continue list Except I like science. Is nice. Got us to moon.)
Make a discord. Its to hard to chat in posts. @StarKnight697