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Plane problems.

1,928 AikoFoxNeko  6.8 years ago

Recently my love for simple planes has rekindled, so I'm a little rusty. So my question is, how do i fix the up and down motion the plane makes when leveling out after changing altitudes, or making a banking turn?

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    1,928 AikoFoxNeko

    @Phoza Oh, the only reason i want the jet to be maneuverable is i want to have a plane that can evade missiles easily without any countermeasures, i have accomplished this before but i had the same problem. Thanks for the advice.

    6.8 years ago
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    6,375 Phoza

    Sacrificing maneuverability for handling is sometimes the better choice. The easiest way to fix this is to make the pitch control surface smaller, but there are other ways if you don’t want to do that. Like @jamesPLANESii said, you can make the wing area larger. You for a maneuverable plane, you could add shrink the control surface on the tail wings and add small canards with more pitch control near the nose of the plane (make sure you make the pitch inverted.) But as I said, making the pitch control surface smaller is the easiest way to go.

    6.8 years ago
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    1,928 AikoFoxNeko

    @jamesPLANESii I suspected that, though it’s hard to add more wing area in most of my current planes without adding jets and fuel.

    6.8 years ago
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    Ok. Yeah that’ll be the wing load then. Just add more wing area. @AikoFoxNeko

    6.8 years ago
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    1,928 AikoFoxNeko

    @jamesPLANESii My CoM is Very close to my CoL, so I don’t know if thats the problem.

    6.8 years ago
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    Ok. Sounds like you need to reduce the wing load and move the CoM a bit closer to the CoL. @AikoFoxNeko

    6.8 years ago
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    26.9k OwO

    Actually change the COM or the COL either one should work@AikoFoxNeko

    6.8 years ago
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    1,928 AikoFoxNeko

    @jamesPLANESii I said control surfaces, what i meant was they would not be able to get the plane up in the air fast enough and or turn fast enough.

    6.8 years ago
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    No. I didn’t say make the wing smaller. I said make the control surface smaller. If the control surface takes up half the wings length or longer, it has a weird steped pitch thing, and it goes all wobbly. @AikoFoxNeko

    6.8 years ago
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    1,928 AikoFoxNeko

    @TheDerpingMemes I have gotten so many replies giving me advice on how to fix the problem, im sure there is a way, but since i have been working on the problem for so long i feel like I can’t fix it.

    6.8 years ago
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    1,928 AikoFoxNeko

    @jamesPLANESii If i make the control surfaces smaller, they wouldn’t provide enough lift, and or they would not be maneuverable enough.

    6.8 years ago
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    26.9k OwO


    6.8 years ago
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    Make the elevator control surfaces smaller.

    6.8 years ago
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    35.6k Delphinos

    Also, we suggest you to use the XML mod wing part for a better durability, plus it should help to reduce the "wobble" problem,

    6.8 years ago
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    35.6k Delphinos

    Interesting, if you are comfortable and OK with that wing design, then keep it up, plus we see less Sweep Wings planes here,

    6.8 years ago
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    1,928 AikoFoxNeko

    @Delphinos Thank you, ive been working on this problem for ages, and I’m also working on some different body designs, but as for the wings, I’ve always had a fondness for forward swept wings, so i think that will be a reoccurring theme in most of my aircraft.

    6.8 years ago
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    35.6k Delphinos

    We believe these can be solve by :
    - re adjust the aircraft's CoM and CoL to make the aircraft stable and less "wobble", if the proble persist, re adjust again and again until the aircraft is stable,
    - add Trim, which should help to fine tune the aircraft's stability,
    - do some experiments with different body and wing shapes and sizes local, from that, you may study something new ;-)

    6.8 years ago