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Overload V1.0: Some much-needed attention

Dev WNP78  6.5 years ago

So, the update came around and added the calculateDrag and dragScale attributes to parts. If you want to learn more about these, check here. Overload, due to the way it handles attributes on the Part element, needed updating to incorporate these. But I had on and off been testing a new method which may mean this would no longer be necessary. As well as this, it would allow modding things such as the partType which could not be done before (though, be careful with partType and id - you could mess things up. Just because you're typing into a box in SP instead of an XML file, it doesn't mean you can't mess things up). Overload has also been long due a UI upgrade. The button doesn't block input, so you select the part under it. There are also a load of other bugs or problems, such as: not being able to remove attributes, not being able to scale the UI, parts deselecting when you save, and a few more too. These are all fixed hopefully, as I have totally overhauled the system. The UI has a slightly new, but still familiar look, you can still move the camera behind it, you can drag the UI around and scale it. Overall scale and button settings are configurable with Mod Settings. It was surprisingly long ago that I made Overload, and my GUI-slinging skills have much improved. So, I hope you enjoy Overload 1.0!

I will post the update to the mods section in a day or two, because I bet someone will find some bugs I need to fix.
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Known bugs (told you they'd come):
- [fixed] mod does not enable if mod settings is not installed.
- [fixed] when part is modded, it becomes invisible to drag calculations. re-loading (or exiting then entering the editor) adds it again

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    1,522 cnorth12

    it would be nice if you could modify torque on car engines.

    +1 4.6 years ago
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    2,553 truckerSAM

    @metallicplanes Indeed:)

    4.7 years ago
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    @truckerSAM I know that, but wouldn't it be really cool if they had a bomb explosion scaler? Then we could make JDAMs look more like JDAMs.That's what I want that for-detail.

    +1 4.7 years ago
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    2,553 truckerSAM

    @metallicplanes I know what met was that you could use the cannon as a substitute for bombs OR you could set the vollosity to 0 and have the bomb drop simltainsly
    (forgive my spelling im tired lol)

    4.7 years ago
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    @truckerSAM In case you haven't noticed, I was talking about bombs, not cannons.

    4.7 years ago
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    2,553 truckerSAM

    @metallicplanes you can use the canons exsplosion scaler insted

    4.7 years ago
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    Could somebody help me?
    I need to change the engine's throttle response (speed of the reaction of engine to the growth or decline of the throttle level). Is it possible to do this with help of this mod? And how?
    Thank you in advance

    +1 5.3 years ago
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    @WNP78 Damn it........ . I wanted to make the explosion as big as Wright Isles.I succeeded by making the bomb larger....... . but the bomb was bigger than my plane.So , it failed.

    +1 6.0 years ago
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    Dev WNP78

    @metallicplanes that's not possible via XML sorry

    6.0 years ago
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    @WNP78 How do I change the size of the explosion of a bomb without changing the scale

    6.1 years ago
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    15.6k Jacobdaniel

    I found a bug you need to fix I took a screenshot of it but I cannot upload it

    6.5 years ago
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    Wait bug found: if you change a wing from wing 3 to wing 2, it defaults the control surface and disconnects from all of its attachments.

    6.5 years ago
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    I think it’s ok to update the mod now.

    6.5 years ago
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    Dev WNP78

    @DPSAircraftManufacturer I'm not quite sure what you mean.

    +1 6.5 years ago
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    25.7k Z3RO

    @WNP78 today,was looking for the updated version of your mond for the drag xml options, i tried to remove drag from a fuselage part, in the front of my build.. no results, it always reset itself, i'll try remove the mod and apply it again to see if the issue can be fixed this way

    6.5 years ago
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    Dev WNP78

    @Z3RO 1. You're still seeing drag in the drag view?
    2. when did you download it?
    3. what part is it on?

    6.5 years ago
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    25.7k Z3RO

    everytime i try to change the drag values or set if to "false" with the calculateDrag command, nothing change once i save it. could it be a bug?

    6.5 years ago
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    5,841 FastDan

    @WNP78 Oh,cool thanks.

    6.5 years ago
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    Dev WNP78

    @FastDan read the first 12 words of the post above. It might give you a clue.

    6.5 years ago
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    Bug found:

    You can’t highlight parts of text. Like, the whole thing highlights when you click on it, but then when you tap on it and edit the number, you can’t highlight it.


    Actually nvm it seems to have fixed it’s self. XD

    6.5 years ago
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    5,841 FastDan

    @Flameslinger No,I might try that.

    6.5 years ago
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    @WNP78 Is it required to re-download if we downloaded an older version?

    6.5 years ago
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    @FastDan Have you tried going to the sandbox testing and then hitting exit to go back to the editor?

    6.5 years ago
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    5,841 FastDan

    @WNP78 I tried reducing all of the drag parameters but nothing happend in the drag view.

    6.5 years ago
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    Dev WNP78

    @FastDan take a wild guess

    6.5 years ago
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