So they new calculateDrag is cool and all but when removing drag on already built things it is not possible to disable drag on every thing and going in the files doesn't help either because it is set to false by default so it isn't in the files until you make the value true so basically you can't replace calculateDrag=false to calculateDrag=true
Soooo could somebody make a simple mod that just removes all drag with a press of a button?
@WNP78 ok i can try that thanks
yeah I was planning a drag painter alongside some other editor tools I've been putting together... though for now, you can use something with regex replace functionality such as notepad++ and replace:
(<Part [^>]*?)(\/?>)
$1 calculateDrag="false"$2
which would disable drag on all parts (make sure there isn't any set beforehand)
@randomusername thanks, that is the thing i mod the parts from the beginninglike Health, mass and collision and on ground vehicles i can change the mass on bottom plates later to keep a low COM but thanks
@randomusername he is the xml master but maybe it's not possible to make such a mod. I would have just disabeled drag from the beginning but i had already started and i can't go trough 230 something parts 1 by one and change it and if i had to i would just have gone in the files but as i sead in the forums it's a no can do.