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The new and improved USAF SkyHawk. + Vote here.

6,266 FlexNoTape  6.7 years ago

New and improved

The wings will be improved heaps.

Please Vote on weapons here.

Should I include weapons

Yes or No

And what type?


Link to the original here.

Edit: Here are the latest images.

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    Yea, sounds kewl, oh btw, I made a couple of builds on my own instead of “modifying” other people’s builds. GO CHECK EM OUT!

    6.7 years ago
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    6,266 FlexNoTape

    Ok thanks. @CruzerBlade

    6.7 years ago
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    13.1k CruzerBlade

    Should I include weapons
    And what type?
    If its a bomber, give it all types of bombs and some miniguns
    If its an attacker, give it some bombs and cleavers/infernos and some miniguns
    If its a fighter give it some air to air weapons and some miniguns

    6.7 years ago