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How to make engines start by themselves?

6,209 N0VA  6.8 years ago

how to make engines start without any inputs to make a helicopter blade rotate on a free spin rotator while entering game? Or I should say engines start by themselves to 100% power?

I only use Overload Ingame XML Editor.

For example:
QingyuZhou ‘s Mil Mi 26 helicopter blades move by themselves.

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    6,209 N0VA

    I looked at the parts and I couldn’t understand how it seemed to work though... @randomusername

    +1 6.7 years ago
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    Activate8 in input will make stuff happen when you spawn but will be deactivated when you deactivate 8

    6.8 years ago
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    10.5k Xenotriver

    In parts settings where you adjust the power etc. there is throttle governor. That's it.

    6.8 years ago