some parts that could really help us build more realistic mech legs
2.more missions & more electrical &logic parts such as repeaters
3.mines & anti air guns like the flaks and moreWell thats all for now hope the devs would read this
some parts that could really help us build more realistic mech legs
2.more missions & more electrical &logic parts such as repeaters
3.mines & anti air guns like the flaks and more
Well thats all for now hope the devs would read this
@Awsomur just forget about the better controls
That still doesn’t explain how they can make the controls better.
What specific things should they add/subtract to make the control scheme better?
@Awsomur uhh better controls
Imean the controls on Android sorry forgot about that
“Better controls” doesn’t tell us much. Explain.
@CruzerBlade right right more missions more destruction
And also more thrill
We need more missions
@Rodrigo110 right
Definitely, it would also allow for very intricate and complex systems to be made @RaZoRgAmInGxD
@Rodrigo110 I like logics cause it makes the game be more active with players that love logics and electronics
No problem, I’d love more advanced electronics so I could make Gear doors with delay and stuff like that. @RaZoRgAmInGxD
But thanks for that really helps much @Rodrigo110
Whaaa !??! Upvote ??😐?