I need that kind of round wheel arch for a size 2 tyre, 1.5 block wide (1.499 wide if you make it clip one another so it won't appear twitchy). It's for a race car, so it would be better to keep it close to the actual wheel. https://www.simpleplanes.com/a/LnIzIo/LMP-original
Please mention me after you've done it. I don't have the power to give out any rewards, so this is completely voluntary. And add some of your magic to it, to perhaps, make it a little better.
I need a wheel arch for a car
1,157 substygram
6.6 years ago
Ah. Ok. Gimme 15-30 minutes.
@Mattangi2 http://i65.tinypic.com/5oxbx5.jpg
Do you have a reference picture I can go off for? Just curious, as there are many ways to do this. Even a 30 second pencil sketch will do.
Gimme like 30 mins tops
Yeah no sweat.
@Mattangi2 the link is mentioned above. Thank you very much, by the way.
I'm trustworthy
I'm not proud of bragging, but I used to be 9k
Just tag me on the car.
@Mattangi2 yeah
Do you still need it done
Your welcome@substygram
@TheDerpingMemes thanks for putting that xD