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243k RamboJutter  6.7 years ago

So what is the criteria for a build to be featured? Is it just personal preference or is there some boxes to tick? Just curious.

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    7,875 MTakach


    do you think that any of my builds are, What you would say "Feature worthy"?

    +1 5.3 years ago
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    @Tully2001 lol so as soon as I become black I'm not eligible for features? I would have thought builds by all levels would be a better advert for the game but nvm, ill just build as always.

    6.7 years ago
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    40.2k Awsomur

    Must’ve been on’ve the other mods then.

    6.7 years ago
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    @Kerbango it does seem a bit strange though as rank doesn't matter surely? Everyone should be treated the same, it's a tool to intentavise people to greater builds....

    6.7 years ago
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    107k Kerbango

    Yeah I never got featured.
    I turned gold right after they announced they were going to feature bronze players first and then golds and no longer platinum's.
    By the time they got to featuring gold players I was already Platinum.
    And I've been Platinum ever since.😭😭😭😢😌☺😊😀

    6.7 years ago
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    @Awsomur @Minecraftpoweer ah K, thanks for clearing that up, I only got featured a couple of times on some early builds but nothing for ages so I did wonder if it was something I was doing wrong. Anyway, chocks away building time is being wasted.

    6.7 years ago
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    40.2k Awsomur

    Tully will sometime feature platinums, but it’s usually gold and under players that get featured.

    6.7 years ago
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    Well 1st you can't get featured because you have more than 25k Points so rip. (it is possible but it happens rarely for special things or whatever like when i Think it was eternaldarkness's challenge was featured by a dev because he put in much work on it etc)
    The rest is just that a mod or dev Thinks that it is worthy of being featured on the front page.
    It is also their preference because if they are not in to the thing you built but people like it they can have a slight bias to not featuring it because every human has that.

    6.7 years ago