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Things I've noticed about the game's simulation

1,793 xiaofootball  6.6 years ago

I feel like the prop engines in this game produces maximum power regardless of air density. Perhaps, the only reason why you'd slow down at higher altitude (like say 30k ft) is simply because the prop blades move less air for a given RPM and blade size, and not due to a combination of factors.

Maybe this should be changed in the next update? I mean if the turbine engines (not sure about Blade T3000 turboprop) can sense air density in this game, why not the supposedly piston powered prop engines as well?

On an unrelated note, to improve yaw authority, try placing a thin strip of structural wing about the same length as the plane's fuselage and hide it inside. This should simulate the air flowing around the fuselage and improve rudder performance.

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    1,793 xiaofootball

    @BACconcordepilot Agreed, for some reason increasing hp in the game also increase the amount of thrust when it should be primarily dependent on prop size and RPM. Sure, more hp would mean greater acceleration because peak RPM could be attained faster. However, the prop can only turn so fast, limiting the amount of thrust it can produce regardless of horse power.

    I also think that the weight of the engine should scale with the power it produces.

    6.6 years ago
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    69.4k Chancey21

    I tried to add a mixture slider on my next airplane but it’s useless cause it’s useless cause it’s useless cause it’s useless @jamesPLANESii

    6.6 years ago
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    13.5k DemonSniper8

    @jamesPLANESii and nothing has a startup sound... :(

    +1 6.6 years ago
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    Yes, the most important factor is air density, but in two ways: amount of air propellers are pushing and amount of air engine is getting. Piston engine without turbocharger (small prop) should start losing power above 3000m, and die at 4500-5500 depending on what engine it's meant to simulate. Turboprop can handle a lot of altitude. It simply increases rotor pitch and/or RPM.

    +3 6.6 years ago
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    And then there’s their stupid sound, where they sound like they’re going at their fastest at 1% power.

    6.6 years ago
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    Yes! I find this the most annoying thing in the universe!
    Btw it’s the same with jet engines. :/

    6.6 years ago