Could somebody help me build the doors on my bus. I've been trying to build them for ages but to no avail. I've built the actual door structure I just need someone to help me get them to move realistically and in the correct position.
If you think you're able to help comment below and I'll tag you.
Thanks -Grit.
@RailfanEthan Thanks but I already know how to do it ;-)
I’ve got one of them already. It’d be better if I had a hinge and a piston with Activate1 etc so you can just open certain doors @RailfanEthan
@GritAerospaceSolutionsLTD @jamesPLANESii
if you need a hinge set to landing gear, this might help
@jamesPLANESii Yeah you'd probably be able to do it without XML.
Wait but I could help you on my iPad... if it doesn’t take XML modding...
When there’s a bunch of build requests that you could do, but you can’t cuz you’re not going on your computer today lol