All I can see when I try to post with Imgur, is a little box with the name I assigned to the image, in this case “Test”. It’s a black and white image of an F-100, but apparently EternalDarkness can see it?
All I can see when I try to post with Imgur, is a little box with the name I assigned to the image, in this case “Test”. It’s a black and white image of an F-100, but apparently EternalDarkness can see it?
@ChiChiWerx I noticed this problem as well. I tried changing my imgur settings to "public" instead of "hidden", but I still get broken link symbols in the descriptions.
maybe it happens with steam too? I posted some images recently and they worked fine for me but not for someone else. I'm on a laptop and your images don't work on chrome or edge but internet here is touchy and kinda broken
Woops, I only see it on my pc. I can't see it on my phone.
@ChiChiWerx I see the picture.
I’m on an iPhone8 and trying to do it through that platform. Posting same image link on Discord and it works fine.
Anyone else having this problem?
@EternalDarkness do you see a picture?
I use imgur and everything is still fine tho
Can you also post a link on some other platform so we can compare? Picture looks fine to me, unless it's supposed to be in color.