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Turning and manoeuvrability in ground and sea vehicles

232 Meepmaster87  6.6 years ago

On thing that I'm having a problem with is the systems of steering and stabilising ground and sea vehicles. The methods that I use at the moment are sloppy at best and don't work very well they mostly consist of a gyroscope, a weird suspension setup and a very difficult and long manoeuvres manual which often makes it difficult to control.
The main difficulty I have at sea is the sliding. I seem to skim over the waters surface no matter the area of vehicle under the water. If anyone knows how to either stop skidding or a viable steering option for large builds like aircraft carriers please help
The difficulty I have with cars and tanks stems from the two main methods the game gives you for yaw steering on the ground. It either uses the inbuilt steering on vehicle wheels which I find often leaves me spinning a lot or isn't strong enough to steer fast moving vehicles around tight corners (such as the hairpin bends on rattlesnake racetrack). The other method of steering is using the yaw on a gyroscope but this is usually either too responsive and spins or flips me at high speeds or isn't responsive enough to take me around tight bends. If anyone has a different method of steering or a setup that helps to mitigate these problems I would like to know.
Also I have no idea how the suspension works but i'll figure that out later.

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    Thanks randomusername these really helped, I'm not going to link it as it is pretty bad and the problems aren't specific to a single vehicle. Thanks anyway

    6.6 years ago
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    13.5k DemonSniper8

    for ground vehicles, try to get your COM as low as you can. Having a high turn angle on your wheels makes your car lose stability at high speed, so make the angle 5-10° at most.

    6.6 years ago
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    Deadly8Nightshade, thanks for the suggestion but i usually don't use fuselages, (no reason I just sometimes forget they exist)

    6.6 years ago
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    Use a vertical stabilizer along the length centerline of the underside of the boat to prevent sideslip.

    6.6 years ago
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    For your ground vehicles, try to put some deadweight on the last fuselage connected to the wheel, it will be heavier thus adding more grip.

    6.6 years ago