I'm in est so the time I'm on is 6:30 am - 7:00 am then if I can I sneak some time in around 12 pm them in active around 3pm-6pm then finally 10pm-1am-5am
I've allways thought of that due to different time zones it's hard to realy find so I just end up uploading when ever I feel like it but mostly after 3:00 pm when I upload before then I get lower than average ratings when I upload from 4:00 - 6:00 is when I get my most ratings I live in British Columbia so I'm on the pacific time zone so translate that to your time zone then that might help usaly most rated planes that I seen are posted from 10:am - 9:pm hope this helped. -cedy
Almost all the time.
Any time, except all the time, just some time, just not much time
When I'm not building lasers.
I'm home schooled so all day
13:00 and 17:00 onwards. EST
All day every day
typically 10 or 11 pm. I check the posts about every half hour after 3.
Usually around six pm. Central time
Anywhere that has wifi
5:30-630 am, 4:30-5:30 pm. I've been doing studies on this and I will post my findings in a few days.
I'm in est so the time I'm on is 6:30 am - 7:00 am then if I can I sneak some time in around 12 pm them in active around 3pm-6pm then finally 10pm-1am-5am
I've allways thought of that due to different time zones it's hard to realy find so I just end up uploading when ever I feel like it but mostly after 3:00 pm when I upload before then I get lower than average ratings when I upload from 4:00 - 6:00 is when I get my most ratings I live in British Columbia so I'm on the pacific time zone so translate that to your time zone then that might help usaly most rated planes that I seen are posted from 10:am - 9:pm hope this helped. -cedy