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Cold Blood, Ep 2|Sabarian Terror

2,117 CommanderSword  6.7 years ago

Heyyy! I didn't give up on my RP! Ha! Storytime.

A week after the outpost incident (see last roleplay), Sabarian Command (SC) was making patrols much more often.
Tom Thresher: "Bulldog, Alfa, do you copy?"
Bulldog: "Bulldog, reporting in."
Alfa: "Alfa, reporting in."
Tom Thresher: "Sectors A4, B4, C2, and D1 are check. Moving to Airspace O7."
Bulldog: "Right behind you, sir."
Alfa: "Following behind...What the?!"
Tom Thresher: "Alfa, What is it?"
Alfa: "Watch your six!"
Bullets zip through the air and tear into bulldog's rudder.
Tom: "Bulldog! Status!"
Bulldog: "Everything...(grunts)"
Alfa: "There! Fighter, 9 o'clock!"
Tom shreds the fighter to pieces in his I-78.
Tom: "Bulldog, status!"
Bulldog: "..."
Tom: "Bulldog!"
Alfa: "There's only two of us, sir."
Ping! Ping! Ping!
Tom: "Fighter!"
Alfa: "Goodbye, Sir!"
Alfa slams his I-5 into the enemy fighter, incinerating the two of them. Tom Thresher lands at Kingsnake Airfield and informs SC of what happened.

Sabaria: Lead by CommanderSword
The United Federation (TUF): Lead by Skullguy43.
Erae: None
PMCs (Names can be decided by players): None
Sabaria -- TUF