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Auto yaw problems

232 Meepmaster87  6.6 years ago

This is a follow on from my previous post, the previous problem was steering, this next problem is stability. I'm creating a speedboat design (it's not great but it works) However it has problems with auto yaw. As the boat speeds up it begins to turn towards the left. If any easy solutions are possible they would be appreciated, if a build specific solution is required please say and I will upload the build for this.
Thanks in advance!

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    315k Gestour

    @EternalDarkness RIP.

    6.6 years ago
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    If you are building a boat, consult boat builders, not some random @Gestour :)
    Real ships have something called a "keel". It is essentially a vertical stabilizer. For best effect, make it big and make it as far back as possible.

    +1 6.6 years ago
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    i did that and it worked but i'd prefer a solution that didn't require that level of tuning and simply removed the issue.

    6.6 years ago
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    315k Gestour

    Slap a gyro on it, with yaw control turned all the way up.

    6.6 years ago