You can spawn on Tiny II, spawn in a aggressive plane above you; wait for it to attack you hitting the carrier, and the destroyers will attack you...
There needs to be a update to the AI in game. Its so stupidly simple..
You can spawn on Tiny II, spawn in a aggressive plane above you; wait for it to attack you hitting the carrier, and the destroyers will attack you...
There needs to be a update to the AI in game. Its so stupidly simple..
I love watching AI diving to water like i'm gonna dox him and kill his family
AI meaning sp absoulte idiot
For the scale pretty stupid
@BootlegAircraft if you want a mid air collision, just make sure when in dogfight mode that the enemy plane doesnt have guns or ammo and just fly straight, it will ram you
I've had some AI retract there landing gear on the ground, then try to take off
I started a dogfight against a star destroyer with regular flight controls and the AI just flew it into the volcano😂
Artificial intelligence? More like artificial idiots lol
I have had the ai drive backward away from me straight into a wall and yep it exploded
spawn in a plane on any runway and spawn it in agressive, it will start by retracting landinggear. also some AI you can Control XD when i tested my strv 103 b i spawned in an ai one and when i elevated and depressed the gun it did the same.
North of Yeager airport @Mattangi2
Wait, USS Tiny II?
There’s a second one?
hostile AI retracts landing gear immediately after spawning even when spawned on ground
@TheOwlAce And then nosedive into the water.
@JelloAircraftCorporation for me they do loops.
If a hostile plane doesn’t have any weapons it’ll try to ram you.
Al the times I've spawned an AI plane only to have it nose-dive into the water...
Try to get a mid air collision to happen, it's nearly impossible
It’s not really AI, just set coding. Real AI learns
(These apparently do not XD)
Custom AI would be nice