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Nothing to do please give me an idea :/

46.5k Minecraftpoweer  6.7 years ago

I have nothing to do and i wont do the auto aiming tank turret yet (i did try to do a very fast Little prototype but the missiles would fly off so i completed 1% of the whole thing so not very much prototype but yeah) So that is postponed until later news.

I will take xml requests and recoiling guns etc. (for the recoiling guns please give me the stats and build a model of how it will look it really decreases the time in making them because i have to comment and ask questions and wait for responses)
And maybe some other rquests idk.

I will be gone from the 29th (probably wont bedoing much the 28th btw) until the 4th i Think because i will be on a vacation and i wont play sp while there-

Also update for the article 14 and 11 thing. I have gotten 4 replies to my emails wih good news that they will not vote to have the stupid thing.
They are the only ones that replied btw so i have to wait and see what they do but if most in Sweden wont vote for that doesnt mean that other countries will so please Watch videos about articles 14 and 11 and mail the people that can do something and it might end well.

Dont remove the post. If i need to remove this section jsut comment, k thanks.

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    420 smaug

    ok (its only 8 pm here in Maryland)@Minecraftpoweer

    6.7 years ago
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    @smaug somebody probably made one. It is 3 in the morning and i wont be able to play until the 4th of july. My anti air has a gulag cannon. Very powerful indeed. I also have a plane for a dogfight challenge use a gun from it. Extremly powerful and big bullets aswell

    6.7 years ago
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    420 smaug

    can you make an insta kill gun(a wing gun if possible) if it is impossible its ok.

    6.7 years ago
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    @jamesPLANESii no but realy i will wake up 3 in the morning tomorrow so that we cen get to the airport so i will be outside when im in spain. Also i do go out pretty often to play football or to go fishing.

    6.7 years ago
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    Well that’s why you’re bored. @Minecraftpoweer

    6.7 years ago
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    @jamesPLANESii no its my worst enemy

    6.7 years ago
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    Go outside.

    +2 6.7 years ago