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return to my memory bin of mysterious mysteries solved.

1,842 Irobert55  6.7 years ago

so i can not state if often enough: i am german and that can lead to some serious issues in language barriers. this is one of the cases. if you can help out then do it please but now to the topic. a smaller german youtuber named creepypastapunch made a top five list about mysterious happenings solved. here is the clip and a recounting of my warning: it is in german so try you best at helping out. creepypastapunch solved mistery cases.

and now little helping hand at last: you can fact check your hypothesys by simply try to make it simpler to explain. if you canot thatn its more likely to be true.

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    1,842 Irobert55

    @Countache27 in the comment section of the video is a feud if the diatlov solution he presents is viable but i side with him for a easy reason: they cannot claim what they say so his hypothesis is easy enough to be right until something changes every thing but i doubt that there will be new evidence in the future.

    +2 6.7 years ago
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    @Irobert55 Thank you.

    6.7 years ago
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    1,842 Irobert55

    @Countache27 here is the video from wich i took my information about the diatlov pass incident. warning it is in german but its very good on the explanation site of things.

    6.7 years ago