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why are parodys often better in theyr fields (especialy scifi)?

1,842 Irobert55  6.7 years ago

i noticed some time ago that more often than not parodys are way better on the logic and reason side than blockbusters like independace day.

for instance: in real life it does not make any sense of attacking a distant, habitalbe world for any resources what so ever (the only big budget movie i know who realy did this right was avatar by james cameron by simply naming the qoute highly valuable stuff unobtanium and reamrking that the biosphere of pandora has a higher worth). ironicaly the only resource i can think of that is not a living one and that would realy make sense to attack earth for is oil. every other so called valuable resource is easier to get in the asteroid belt or the cuiper belt.

another reason to attack a planet is for the planet itself or its biosphere. so that makes the movie mars attacks actualy one of the best alien invasion flicks because the aliens have two weaknesses and only one of them is realy exploitable. but perhaps the best universe(s) is from hitchikers guide: all things neatly set up and sometimes better explained than the OMG THEY WANT OUR EARTHS WORTHLESS CORE!!!! SCREAM FOR YOUR LIFE BEVORE THEY DIE OUT BECUSE OF STUPIDITY!! of indipendance day (i mean one simple remark of trin makes the whole story perfect. the number she remakrs about the speed of the heart of gold is basicaly that when the infinite impropability drive is active the ship is everywhere in every universe at the same time).

can you name more scifi storys that make more sense than the big blockbusters? and yes i know that cowboy bebop is also very good in universe setup.