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modding request.

1,842 Irobert55  6.7 years ago

could someone please make mod for dumbfire rockets that can be used as air to ground rockets and air to air rockets.

during the second world war practicaly every one used the dumbfire rockets for planes of the time for both jobs when possible. so please can someone make a mod for this?

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    2,720 pilotred233

    @Irobert55 and yes...The me262 did fare well pilots have claimed to have downed 30 b17 bombers with its r4m rockets, but all me262 variants actually shot down 542 allies aircraft. Calculate that and it really isn't effective at all.

    6.7 years ago
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    2,720 pilotred233

    @Irobert55 what? Aim them like gunfire? That's why it's so hard? You see, don't aim like gunfire because the rocket is a lower velocity weapon. You should note that I had to lead all the way ahead to kill that bush plane right? It's why it's this hard. If you aim like gunfire you'll miss every time because the rockets will simply go behind the target. The skill part comes is patience, positioning and leading just right. It's really hard trust me @Irobert55.
    Plus, the velocity of the plane doesn't affect rockets in this game so rockets on the me262 wouldn't not affect the difficulty and effectiveness at all. It's harder too because the jet is less maneuverable, extremely fast and the rockets in this game hardly even equal to guns. In order to have a higher chance of hitting a target with rockets. You must:
    - make sure you pick an easy to kill target.( In my case, the bush plane. If your plane is fast, maybe light/medium/heavy bombers)
    - Make sure the target isn't maneuvering any direction except straight.
    - position of fire has to be the largest area of the target.(as I mentioned in previous comments, the wings)
    - you must be faster than your target.
    - you must have enough maneuverability to be able to avoid an air collision and maneuver into a position.
    - you have to lead the target extremely far.
    All these are hard for any plane. It's hard for a fast plane to be maneuverable. On the other hand, maneuverable planes are usually slow.
    Then, you must be able to fit lots of rockets on your plane. And finally, you must learn to aim the guns before trying it. So the advanced targeting mod will be obsolete for this job. So...If you want to try this in sp. It works, but good luck even killing a single air target.
    Also, as I said before...Why not just use guns? All those problems wouldn't exist if you could rely on guns instead.

    6.7 years ago
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    1,842 Irobert55

    @pilotred233 the rocket schwalbes did fare a lot better than the standard ones. you have to aim them like gunfire so there is the skill part.

    6.7 years ago
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    2,720 pilotred233

    @Irobert55 nah it doesn't matter what rocket you take... It's very hard to hit a moving target with rockets.

    6.7 years ago
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    1,842 Irobert55

    @pilotred233 you know that the me262 was tested with r4m orkan mounts bwcause the rockets do more damage on hit. its a skill thing to hit moving targets but yes the air to air rocket is older than you would think.

    6.7 years ago
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    2,720 pilotred233

    @Irobert55 however if you want AI to also use it...Well I hate to say but why not just use guns? They're way more effective and can hit a target even when they're moving. Rockets are unreliable for air to air engagement even if you are against a bomber.

    6.7 years ago
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    2,720 pilotred233

    @Irobert55 I shot it down...You just have to be really close(about 0.1mi or less) and set the detachers to 0%.
    The funny thing was...
    -my plane was too slow so I used the bush plane instead.
    - I fitted 40 dumb rockets but I fired one and I killed the bush plane.
    - it took me ages to do because it was difficult to hit the back of a plane, I realised that if you hit the plane from above or below you have a better chance of a hit.

    6.7 years ago
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    2,720 pilotred233

    @Irobert55 well I'll try firing rockets in the default bomber...

    6.7 years ago
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    1,842 Irobert55

    @RamboJutter @DemonSniper8 i want the in such a way that the AI could use them too.

    6.7 years ago
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    1,842 Irobert55

    @LiamW doenst work on dumbfires.

    6.7 years ago
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    1,842 Irobert55

    @pilotred233 rockets that can be used in air to air and air to air sutiations.

    6.7 years ago
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    2,720 pilotred233

    I do have problems using ground pounding weapons as air to air weapons, I wanted my heavy fighter to use the cannon for air targets and ground targets but it uses boom 50s. It can't lock and I can't track and I've only hit an air target once during testing.

    6.7 years ago
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    2,720 pilotred233

    What do you exactly want? Equip rockets and have air targets in site? Or have rockets be able to hit planes? Or something else? Not sure.

    6.7 years ago
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    11.3k LiamW

    You can XML whether it is AA or AG. Have a look here

    6.7 years ago
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    13.5k DemonSniper8

    @Irobert55 no but you can hit air vessels too, if your aim is good. It's just under a-g because you'd have a hard time hitting an airplane lol

    6.7 years ago
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    @Irobert55 I'm confused, the single rockets can be used for aa if you really want, yes you have to be in ag mode but if ur close enough to use rockets you don't need to be in aa mode.

    6.7 years ago
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    1,842 Irobert55

    @RamboJutter the problem is that we dont have any ata dumbfires beside the posibility of turning guradians and interceptors into them but that is not the same because real ata or allround dumbfires dont behave like this (target is in range fire me so to speak you have to aim them and yes i know that i could do this in freeplay but i want to doo this in dogfithmode too).

    6.7 years ago
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    1,842 Irobert55

    @DemonSniper8 f@Tully2001 @DPSAircraftManufacturer search for rz7 foen or rz 4 orkan. those things not space rockets but ata and atg dumbfires that hte AI could use too.

    +1 6.7 years ago
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    1,842 Irobert55

    @DemonSniper8 they are air to ground only. so no lol for you.

    6.7 years ago
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    13.5k DemonSniper8

    @Irobert55 they're already in the game. Just go under the weapons tab and drag a few rockets onto ur plane lol

    6.7 years ago
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    6,375 Phoza

    There are already dumbfire in the game.

    6.7 years ago
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    I've already made some tubes using the in-game individual rockets rather than a mod, have a look at some of my builds n Nick them from there

    +1 6.7 years ago
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    1,842 Irobert55

    @Caveman999 thanks buddy. we need allround dumbfire rockets that the AI can use to but i forget to call out gestour on this issue.

    +1 6.7 years ago
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    6,266 FlexNoTape


    6.7 years ago