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Should I release my unfinished projects (read below)

34.5k Hayhayjam664  6.7 years ago

I have 9 unlisted posts some are near to finished others are not, I just don’t have time too finish them. I lack motivation and feel that I’m wasting my time, I have to deal with enough stress and anxiety (not to mention the boughts of depression) to deal with from school work and having crappy teachers (1 or 2 not many).
When ever I go to build something I have to redo it 20 times and it still looks horrible, and in that time I could be doing more important thing, would you prefer unfinished things or nothing at all, and being so close to platinum I really won’t to upload something but when ever I start building or get a idea for something it looks odd or I don’t know how to finish/start it and it ends up saved on the website, never to see the light of day...

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    35.1k AdlerSteiner

    Yes and no

    6.7 years ago
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    2,720 pilotred233

    I'm actually thinking about the same thing...I have some prototypes I don't dare share to the community because they could break the community. I've already made some stuff better but also ruined some stuff. Nowadays I don't dare upload a prototype that is too overpowered to prevent the exploitation of the game and it's mechanics( I've done that a few times already and I will not do it again)

    +1 6.7 years ago