Okay so I am working on this tank the part count is around 400 or so. But whenever I open it up in the designer it glitches really bad and is really jerky, but the problem is not the computer to test this I downloaded a plane with 500 parts. I loaded it in the designer and flew it without one little smidgen of lag. Has this ever happend to anyone if so how can I fix it?
@Jaspeedy It had like 8000 of one bolt
That was the issue@Andrewtheplane
@Jaspeedy Yeah I fixed it
I don’t know what going on with the tank but I’m thinking maybe you mirrored the tank and there was a part int the way and it multiplied many times and your computer is trying to render the 50 parts combined together. So I recomend going over the tank and looking for any overlap and get rid of the extra pieces.