The last post of this format!
As you might have noticed, I no longer post individual weapons systems. I posted individual weapons in the beginning of 1.7, and it was spammy. Feel free to interpret this as an apology for that. Since there are no individual weapons to mass link (after this generation), I won’t be posting these kinds of forum posts anymore.
This does not mean that I will stop posting weapon collections! New collections will be “airplane” posts instead. These posts will include weapon designs that I have used, but have not posted separately. I will keep them to a minimum though. For example, the next generation (that being, generation beta), will include weapons systems from 7 months ago.
About Collections. Skip if you just want to get to the weapons.
Since I have a large amount of weapons systems, I have decided, for my sake, to create collections of the systems that I have made through the use of forum posts.
This greatly helps me in helping other users find the perfect weapon that they want to mount on their builds.
"But why are you separating the systems into what will be about 4 forum posts?" I have many reasons for that, and none of them involve maximizing upvotes. My first reason is that I have many of these subassemblies, and many posts about them.... I do not want a huge list of links. That would defeat the purpose of me being able to take a few seconds to find the weapon that I need.
There is a larger reason, too. I won't stop making weapon systems after these posts. I would rather not edit an existing list every time I post a new system. The solution: simply make a new post about a new generation of weapons.
And now for Generation Alpha
1.7 came, and revolutionized combat as we know it. Generation Alpha was the result of my experiments with the new options that came with 1.7. This generation was highly experimental, and contained the foundations for the more refined generations that followed it.
Intercipias CIWS – My favorite due to its usefulness. I still occasionally use it.
Beam Cannon Mx1 - Hard to use, and not very good in combat. Looks cool though.
Flare Gun - Flares do damage. This is an entry-level design, so better ones exist.
Bullet-Scaled Spread Gun - BulletScale is good for spread guns.
“Nebulon” Missile System – Lots of rockets. Enough said.
“Sweeper” Gun - Area denial. I was originally going to mount it on a flying battleship, but missiles are much better for fighting against fighters.
Beam Cannon Mx2 – Less clunky than its predecessor.
Variable Repeater II – This one is my second favorite. It uses varying bulletScales to create some cool firing patterns.
AN-KA Missile System – Gimballed burst missiles. Its nice, but there are better options out there.
S-ERN Missile System – 360-degree locking missiles. They are the predecessors of REFLEX missiles, which I commonly use now.
@Thepilot172 Thank you! I think my new system will still provide that content, but in a more efficient format.
@spefyjerbf good boy
@BaconEggs The ones that I have recently been using might suit your tastes more. Don't worry. That post will come sometime.
I want realistic weapons with their properties
Yeeeeyyy :D