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One simple feature that would make my day..

29.2k Viper28  9.5 years ago

Ok so one thing i think would make the game more fun for me is the ability to see through cockpits. Often you put 2 cockpits together to het a bulble ish canopy, but thats just for looks you can't see 360° because you can't see through the other cockpit. Same with the new modular ones. So if you made it so that while in cockpit mode you could see through the other cockpits thay would be great. This isn't urgent, but just an idea.

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    With some clever placing you can get the rear cockpit transparent, I've done it on an experimental plane but it looks weird cause they don't really look like they are attached @LordofLego

    9.5 years ago
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    16.2k LordofLego

    Yes. I have had this problem, too. It's especially annoying when you build a cockpit out of the build-your-own cockpit ones, because you are using them how you are supposed to.

    9.5 years ago
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    8,799 Meawk

    its a good idea nonetheless

    9.5 years ago