I am making a helicopter, it may have some simple interior, Idk.
But, the heli tends to randomly pitch and pull down at random moment of flight. I have tried disabling the auto orient feature and added two more gyros w/o input on the wings, but the situation hasn't changed even a bit.
If that can help, I am playing on high physics and the wings are semi-symetrical, scaled down using overload and then sized up with the part settings.
It does pitch with and without speed boost (a jet engine) engaged.
3 gyroscope in this pattern
<- I ->
Their arrows btw@Oski
@Oski np
@pavthepilot I fixed it by disabling wing physics on the wings, as EternalDarkness said it may be the problem, so my heli doesn't do it now.
But thx
@Oski idk maybe I can help you but I don't have my laptop with me so i might not be amble to solve the problem if I have to do it on my android tablet
@EternalDarkness yeah I think that's it, the heli didn't pitch now even a bit.
Try and see if mouse control is on, it throws me off sometimes
At certain speed, wings suddenly gain effectiveness and exit stall. That's probably the cause of pitching up. Also, it might be due to position of cruise thrusters.
@CarsonG1017 I would like to but my internet today is crap, I have had problems uploading this forum actually
Could you tag me so I can see? A fair warning beforehand, I don't have much experience with helis, so I'm not sure how much I'd be able to help. I'll sure try though!