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Camo Options

54.3k ElGatoVolador  9.4 years ago

So we all know how we can paint planes right well here is my suggestion to how to make it way better. So an option can be added in paint to add sections like the ailerons but these sections will be vertical and you can control how much of the plane they cover also the bottom of the plane will be effected. For example making the belly of a plane white instead of green or making the top camo while the bottom is black like the wellington. The other thing is adding patterns like a camo patern that can be stolen from the bandit hangars with 3-4 different colors than can be changed with the trim option the camo pattern can be one option in the paint thing to add another one can be dots of a rainbow. Then the last option I want is a shape maker like lines or thunder strikes and stars to make decals and otrher cool streaks on a plane.

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    Good idea

    9.4 years ago
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    9.4 years ago
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    They could use existing camo patterns (US-Woodland, UCP, OCP, DCU, ABU, MARPAT, NWU, etc.)

    9.4 years ago
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    8,106 LofiTurtle

    This is great. The first idea like this that has actual customizability, i like it!

    9.4 years ago
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    8,799 Meawk

    this is a great Idea!!!!!

    9.4 years ago