I made a map, I stuffed it up at the start so I can’t export it as a map, I tried to make a new one and when I when to import the modding tools all the files I had previously used on the first map where missing, I deleted the modding tools and re downloaded it but the files are still missing, any one know what going on and any one more experienced I can email (or upload some where) my original map too, so I can use it, XD im a failure, I fail every at thing, from school work too cooking, to making my brain say the correct thing when a certain some one asksed a certain question to me, and I say... I don’t know and walk at 5000 Kmh to my locker slamming my noggin pot into every pole I see in regret...
I think so, when I go to select what assets I want to use I import the mod tools and all the ones previously used are not there @DerekSP
I can’t mod but good luck!!!
A'ight so do you mean your mod tools are missing our assets from the previous map?