Hey there! I've never had a challenge before, but I had so much fun with this small plane, I thought "why not?".
Here is the challenge: Build a micro aircraft (warbird) that is under 1,700 lbs and has less than 50 gal of fuel.
For some ideas , go to my microplane (https://www.simpleplanes.com/a/8R7RYg/Micro-Plane-Series-Mitsubishi-Zero) and grab the 5x small prop engine if you like. My fuselage hides a small cockpit, so you can use my body if you can't mod. Small planes tend to be nose heavy, so you can take my rear wings a well since they have a 2.9 degree angle of attack to balance out the craft. Let's see what you can build!
Winners will get points and praise from your peers! Try to build as real as possible, but keep it fun and flyable!
I am in. Non modded thing. I'm not sure if its pro-level but for me its one of my better planes https://www.simpleplanes.com/a/41zT8N/Goldfish
im in
I made one with exactly 50gal
Well I am in
@WalrusAircraft on.just wondering.
Oh, this was taken over by Rohan and we ended it a few months ago. Are you looking for another challenge? @jamer57108
when is it over?
I will not copying again@WalrusAircraft
never mind I looked at Rohan's and he said a airliner can weigh 5000 or less lbs. I made a beluga and it's really tiny
And I forgot the mass from the 10 ton bomb stays with it and goes away from the plane
@xXrocketdummyXx Well I think it does because when a jet fighter(or bomber) shoots out a projectile inside/connected to it it changes the centre of mass, for example if a bomber had a 10 ton bomb on its back and a 5 ton bomb near the front and the bomber dropped the 10 ton bomb then the centre of mass goes closer to the 5 ton bomb
Can I join the challenge and also, I have a question.
If you have a plane with a disconnector and have a object connected to the disconnector and the disconnector along with the object gets disconnected from the plane will the mass from them count as if it's still on the plane?
@Christ2503 - you can play if you like. If you copy an airplane, try to make some noticeable changes to it.
@WalrusAircraft I cancel the challenge
@WalrusAircraft I'm have the plane to challenge
Can I join the challenge?
I'm copying the another plane
I'm uploaded the aircrafts but I'm not make it
@Christ2503 - I'm sorry, but can you repeat what you are saying and the issue you are having?
I'm sorry because before I uploaded the aircraft and the aircraft is
May I in