As you might know if you are familiar with my builds my last builds were made on Windows even if 99+% of my builds are made on Android
The reason why I quickly became an windows builder is because my tablet is a low end device with very limited processing power.
Now I will get back to android building because I bought a Sony Xperia Z3 with 3 gigabytes of RAM that is really good at processing any game especially SP, I set graffics on high and the framerate is excellent
Has Android 6.0.1 even if the specs I found on the internet say it has Android 4.4
Can't wait to build some stuff on it!
@randomusername and for some reason the News tab is in german even if the phone is set in English and the weather tab shows me the weather in London even if I don't live there XD
@randomusername I don't remember exactly but I didn't pay full price, it was second-hand
@Awsomur thanks :)
@FilenotFound Link
Just a sec
@FilenotFound oh XD
@pavthepilot b u t I a m n o t I n t h e d I s c o r d.
@FilenotFound wut is it
@pavthepilot laughs uncontrollably
@FilenotFound continue chat on discord
@FilenotFound ok good to know that it works , I can help you get sp
@pavthepilot longvstroy very short and very cut down, I don't have SO on it anymore.
@pavthepilot oh. That's what I'm typing on now.
@FilenotFound btw what happened to that LG phone you built a plane on?
@FilenotFound oh I understand
@pavthepilot you know steam power?
@FilenotFound sounds interesting , how does this sistem work
Neeto. Just in case your wondering, I'm looking to find time to finish my infinite fule movement sytem I was working on.
@Awsomur @Filenotfound @Oski @USSR